Join Us for an Inspiring Series of Community Co-Design Forums in Gippsland

These forums are not just events; they are a step toward a more vibrant and regenerated Gippsland.

The Gippsland community is invited to participate in a series of dynamic forums in September to help co-create a collective vision for Gippsland. Presented by Regen Gippsland, these forums will provide a platform for thought leaders, community members and experts to engage in meaningful conversations about pressing local issues. The forums will be held on the following dates:

1. Regen Tourism & Affordable Housing

2. Food and Fibre

3. New Energy

What to Expect:

Attendees will be immersed in an environment that encourages engagement and collaboration. The forums will feature:

  • Insights from Thought Leaders: Esteemed thought leaders in various fields will share their perspectives, providing participants with valuable insights into the topics at hand.

  • In-Depth Discussions: Participants will have the opportunity to share previous work related to the subjects, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities.

  • Identifying Barriers and Opportunities: By critically examining existing barriers and emerging opportunities, attendees will play a pivotal role in shaping the region’s future.

  • Inspiring Creativity: The forums will encourage attendees to think creatively, envisioning a regenerative Gippsland from multiple perspectives.

As Margaret J. Wheatley said, “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” 

Registration and Contact:

Join us as we continue the regenerative dialogue and journey with our beautiful Gippsland community. Registration is open through the provided links. For any inquiries, please contact us at

These forums are not just events; they are a step toward a more vibrant and regenerated Gippsland. We look forward to welcoming the community for these enriching dialogues that will shape the future of our beloved region.

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