Our Approach

At Kindred Spirits Enterprises, we are excited to see ideas emerge from within Gippsland communities that will make life better for local people.  So we want to work with those communities to see their projects develop in a way that’s sustainable for the long-term.

Through partnerships with not-for-profits and other community-based groups, we’re seeing projects like ‘The Little Village Project’ and ‘Regen Gippsland’ emerge and grow.  At Kindred Spirits Enterprises, we believe in thriving communities filled with healthy and fulfilled people. We’re ready to support a bit of local entrepreneurship and social innovation if it aligns with our community-positive values – more about those elsewhere on this website.

In practical terms, Kindred Spirits Enterprises helps to coordinate projects, it may provide a project with seed funding to help get it on a sustainable footing, develop a funding strategy and advocate on its behalf, or connect the project with other like-minded organisations to help it grow and thrive. Rather than deliver projects, we support our project partners to take the lead. This is their story. Kindred Spirits Enterprises will see what the needs are on a project-by-project basis to achieve their best social benefit.

What we offer

  • Project Coordination

  • Program Design

  • Strategic and Governance Advice

  • Fundraising Support

  • Partnership Development

  • Facilitation

  • Community Advocacy

  • Communication and Social Media Planning


Projects intro

“Kindred Spirits Enterprises is active in a number of community-led projects, including The Little Village Project, Regen Gippsland, the Shared Value Initiative, the Kurnai Young Parents Program Mentoring Initiative and the Marri Tjevin Project. We invite you to flick through the following pages to learn more about these partnerships.”

Current Projects

Shared Value Initiative

Good mental health for workers in any profession is important for their own wellbeing and for maximum productivity in the workplace. The Shared Value Initiative

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Regen Gippsland

There are many groups in Gippsland working in their respective fields to help make Gippsland a better place – groups that have an exciting vision and enthusiastic members. While such a group can achieve certain goals in its particular sector, imagine how much more can be gained for Gippsland as a whole if these groups work collaboratively.

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Marri Tjevin Project

Experienced linguists, led by Gregor Renwick, are working closely with the Rak Thanggarral to record the words, sentences and stories of the Marri Tjevin people

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