The Kurnai Young Parents Program (KYPP) offers 14-20-year-old students the opportunity to complete their schooling in a safe and supportive environment while facing the challenges of being a young parent.
Operating at the Kurnai College Flexible Learning Option campus in Morwell, the free program provides students with numeracy, literacy, personal development and life skills and the opportunity to work towards a tailored pathway through a flexible learning program.
Kindred Spirits Enterprises and Kurnai College are working together to expand KYPP to include a mentoring component, enhancing the current program. The KYPP team discovered a need to provide ongoing support to students either undertaking or who have completed the course.
Many students have narrow and limited support networks and frequently deal with complex and challenging issues and relationships, impacting their ability to set and achieve goals. A mentor program will add value to the existing course, complement the program’s philosophy and help contribute to the ongoing development of program participants.
Our goal
Connect students in the Kurnai Young Parents Program with mentors who will support them to grow and thrive in the local community.
How we’re involved
As a project partner, Kindred Spirits Enterprises assists with project coordination, fundraising and administration, advocacy, research and stakeholder relations.
Kurnai College
Kindred Spirits Enterprises
Latrobe Health Assembly